Gregor Holzinger, PhD

Mauthausen Memorial, Wien

Historian, he earned his doctorate at the University of Vienna in 2007. Since 2006 he has been a member of the scientific staff of Mauthausen Memorial, where he works at the research center and is responsible for scientific research and source interpretation regarding the history of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its subcamps. His main interest lies in research on the perpetrators and medicine in the camp.

He is the Co-Editor of the Mauthausen Studies and Mauthausen Memories series, Co-Curator of the permanent exhibition The Concentration Camp Mauthausen 1938–1945 and Research Associate for the permanent exhibition The Crime Scenes of Mauthausen—Searching for Traces.

Gregor Holzinger is an author and editor of numerous publications regarding the history of the Mauthausen concentration camp, such as Die zweite Reihe. Täterbiografien aus dem KZ Mauthausen [The second row. Biographies of perpetrators from the Mauthausen concentration camp].

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