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30.04.2024, [ zaloguj ]

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 Strona główna  »  Giełda pracy  »  Dam pracę  »  Dam praca Lekarze - Za granica

Dam pracę

Dam praca Lekarze - Za granica
Good day. We are looking for MEDICAL specialists throughout Europe. Europeans. Or with a permit to work in Europe. We work with Personal International, a company that cooperates with twelve countries around the world and is still expanding. We currently only offer the following countries. Jobs in Germany, Austria, Belgium. United Kingdom. South Africa. France. Ireland. Switzerland. I am responsible for finding employees. Those interested send a resume. Then the employer will review and evaluate the competencies, contact the employee by e-mail and invite him for an interview. Through which you will be provided with all the specific information. About job. Remuneration. House. All employment contracts are direct with all social guarantees. So send your resume description. To be able to contact you.
With respect.
R. Zwanziger
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Stanowisko:pelny etat
Miejsce pracy:Za granica
Oferta ważna jeszcze 15 dni

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