Maria Ciesielska, MD, PhD

Unit of the Internationsl Chair in Bioethics (Haifa), Lazarski University, Poland

Doctor of medical sciences, specialist in family medicine, lecturer in the history of medicine, and head of the Unit of the Internationsl Chair in Bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine of Lazarski University in Warsaw. She has published numerous articles related to the lives of doctors during the Second World War, with particular emphasis on medical issues related to German concentration camps, sanitation in Gestapo prisons, and hospital management in the Warsaw ghetto. She cooperates with the Museum of Pawiak Prison in Warsaw, and the Medical History Museum at the Medical University of Warsaw.

Awarded the KLIO Prize in the Varsaviana category for the history book of 2015, Taniec wśród mieczów. Polski personel medyczny na Pawiaku w okresie okupacji niemieckiej 1939-1944 [Dance amongst Swords. Polish Medical Personnel in Pawiak Prison during the German Occupation of 1939-1944] and the winner of the Maria and Łukasz Hirszowicz Prize in 2018 by the Jewish Historical Institute for her book Lekarze getta warszawskiego [Doctors of the Warsaw Ghetto].


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