Marie van Judille van Beurden Cahn, PhD

The Descendants of the Shoah Holland

Historian and head of History of the Treegenes Study into the (epigenetic and psychosomatic) Consequences of the Shoah on the lives of Children of Survivors. She gives Teacher Trainer courses on the Holocaust and other Genocides, has a teaching and research position at The Descendants of the Shoah Holland, Dutch part the international movement of 2/3/4 generation children of Holocaust Survivors. For her ongoing research, she compiled a database of 67 oral-visual testimonials from children of (Dutch) Jewish survivors with the primary aim of distilling the individual and collective memory in the accounts and to complement the historiography of the post-war period. She is a publicist, editor-in-chief and author of two History school methods for Secondary Education and co-author and initiator of the monograph Holocaust and Other Genocides. An Introduction. She is the initiator of the educational Holocaust Memorial Day activities in the Netherlands and member of various editorial boards. Her mother is a child survivor of the Shoah.

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