The 2019 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) has just been released. The latest update includes a total of 11877 journals across 236 disciplines, 81 countries, and 5 continents. We are happy to announce that the new 2018 journal impact factor (IF) for Polish Archives of Internal Medicine (Pol Arch Intern Med) is 2.882, and it has increased again as compared with the previous years (Figure 1). Therefore, for the first time, Pol Arch Intern Med becomes the highest-ranked Polish biomedical journal in the JCR (Table 1). We are also proud that we have been able to strengthen our position (rank 34/160) in the highest Journal Impact Factor Quartile (Q1) in the category of “Medicine, General & Internal” journals.1 In our opinion, this is the best proof of the potential of internal medicine in Poland.

Figure 1. Journal impact factor (JIF) and percentile rank for Polish Archives of Internal Medicine/Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 2012 to 2018
Table 1. Impact factors of Polish biomedical journals; based on 2019 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics
JournalJournal impact factor

Polish Archives of Internal Medicine/Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej


Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis


Pharmacological Reports


Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology


Archives of Medical Science


Advances in Medical Sciences


Translational Neuroscience


Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy


Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii


Cardiology Journal


Kardiologia Polska


The IF was developed in 1975 by the Institute for Scientific Information as a measure designed to assess the average impact of papers published in a given journal and, by extension, the relative importance of a journal within its field. The IF is calculated as the number of citations in an index year (2018) to articles published in that journal during the preceding 2 years (2016–2017), divided by the number of qualifying articles (so called citable items) published during the relevant 2-year period. Of note, such calculation includes only citations in the journals listed in the JCR, but not those in the increasing number of predatory journals, which will essentially publish anything for a fee. The IF has some caveats, such as that it is a short-time measure or that it reflects more the impact of a journal than an individual paper.1 There are new metrics that are being introduced, including Eigenfactor (similar to IF but incorporates the impact of the citing journal) or article-level metrics (which measure references to an article in social media, policy reports, etc). Despite all these concerns, the IF is important not only for the editors and the publisher but also for our authors and readers.

The editors of the Pol Arch Intern Med would like to express their gratitude to all the authors and reviewers who have substantially contributed to increasing the journal’s standards of excellence. A major contribution to the 2018 IF of the Pol Arch Intern Med has been made again by publishing several original and review papers that covered various topics across the field of internal medicine. The most highly cited articles in 2018 that were published in the years 2016-2017 are listed in Table 2. It is important for the editorial board that most items that contributed to our 2018 IF are original articles, which has now been shown to be a continuous trend in the Pol Arch Intern Med.

Table 2. Most cited papers from 2016 and 2017 contributing to IF 2018; based on Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics
No.PaperCitation count in 2018

Stepniak U, Micek A, Waśkiewicz A, et al. Prevalence of general and abdominal obesity and overweight among adults in Poland. Results of the WOBASZ II study (2013–2014) and comparison with the WOBASZ study (2003–2005). Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126: 662-671.



Weitz JI, Jaffer IH. Optimizing the safety of treatment for venous thromboembolism in the era of direct oral anticoagulants. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126: 688-696.



Mazidi M, Kengne AP, Banach M. Mineral and vitamin consumption and telomere length among adults in the United States. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017; 127: 87-90.



Ząbczyk M, Undas A. Plasma fibrin clot structure and thromboembolism: clinical implications. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017; 127: 873-881.



Pająk A, Szafraniec K, Polak M, et al; WOBASZ Investigators. Changes in the prevalence, treatment, and control of hypercholesterolemia and other dyslipidemias over 10 years in Poland: the WOBASZ study. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126: 642-652.



Płudowski P, Ducki C, Konstantynowicz J, Jaworski M. Vitamin D status in Poland. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126: 530-539.



Górska K, Maskey-Warzęchowska M, Nejman-Gryz P, et al. Comparative study of periostin expression in different respiratory samples in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126: 124-137.


Gąsior M, Pres D, Wojakowski W, et al. Causes of hospitalization and prognosis in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Secular trends in the years 2006–2014 according to the SILesian CARDiovascular (SILCARD) database. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2016; 126: 754-762.


Polakowska M, Kaleta D, Piotrowski W, et al. Tobacco smoking in Poland in the years from 2003 to 2014. Multi-centre National Population Health Examination Survey (WOBASZ). Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017; 127: 91-99.



Pruszczyk P, Tomaszuk-Kazberuk A, Słowik A, et al. Management of bleeding or urgent interventions in patients treated with direct oral anticoagulants: 2017 recommendations for Poland. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017; 127: 343-351.


We would like to acknowledge the excellent work of our reviewers. Without their critical attitude and hard work, it would not be possible to select the best papers for publication. The most active reviewers in 2018 are listed in Table 3. We would never have been able to continuously increase the journal’s position without the authors whose citations contributed significantly to our IF (Table 4). We encourage all authors and readers to cite the articles from the Pol Arch Intern Med whenever relevant.

Table 3. Most active reviewers in 2018; based on Editorial Manager

Daniel P. Potaczek

Tomasz Stompór

Michał Aporowicz

Jolanta Małyszko

Artur Dziewierz

Rafał Krenke

Maciej T. Wybraniec

Jarosław Zalewski

Table 4. Authors with greatest contribution to the 2018 journal impact factor; based on Web of Science Core Collection

Anetta Undas

Mariusz Gąsior

Maciej Banach

Mohsen Mazidi

Michał Ząbczyk

Tomasz Zdrojewski

As part of the continuous strive for improving the quality of our journal, we are constantly introducing new activities and functionalities (Figure 2). Our Facebook profile, edited by Zbigniew Heleniak MD, PhD, is constantly updated with news, offers Clinical Case Challenges, and has more than 500 followers. Being at the forefront of innovation among Polish biomedical journals, we are soon launching new tools: article-level metrics by Altmetric as well as Reviewer Connect and Reviewer Recognition by Publons.

Figure 2. What is new in Polish Archives of Internal Medicine (PAIM)?

Article-level metrics (also known as “alternative metrics” or “altmetricts”) are complementary to the traditional, citation-based tools and provide authors with a more comprehensive record of engagement with scholarly work, particularly that which takes place beyond the academy amongst a broader audience. This includes mentions in social media such as Twitter or Facebook, citations on Wikipedia, expert recommendations, public policy documents, discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, and bookmarks on reference managers like Mendeley.

Publons was built as a tool to help researchers get recognition for their often hidden peer-review contributions. Together with Publons, we wish to turn the efforts of our reviewers into a measurable research output. With this tool, academics can use their review and editorial record as evidence of their standing and influence in their field.

We cordially invite you to submit your high-quality research to our journal. We will do our best to proceed with a quick peer-review process (the current average time from submission to the first decision is 2 days, and from submission to the first reviews, 21 days) and to disseminate your research findings as soon as the paper is published.