Case reports

Cardiotoxic properties of interferon: aggravation of atrio-ventricular block during treatment of chronic hepatitis C with peginterferon – a case report

Tomasz Rechciński, Danuta Matusik, Tomasz Rudziński, Zbigniew Bednarkiewicz, Katarzyna Paprotna, Zbigniew Deroń, Małgorzata Kurpesa, Maria Krzemińska-Pakuła
Published online: January 01, 2007


The authors reviewed cardiac adverse events during interferon therapy. The significance of preexisting cardiac disease (coronary artery disease, heart failure or cardiac arrhythmias) should be considered in patient selection for this treatment. A case of a 55-year old woman with chronic hepatitis C, qualified to peginterferon therapy in our hospital, is presented. No cardiac diseases were diagnosed in this patient previously. Atrio-ventricular (AV) conduction disturbances in the form of second-degree AV block were diagnosed during peginterferon therapy. The intensity of these disturbances diminished when treatment was interrupted. A pacemaker had to be implanted to enable the patient continuation of treatment without these side effects.

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