This year marks the ninth time the McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine is going to be organized in Kraków, Poland. Get ready for 3 rewarding days of intensive learning on 9-11 May, 2024.

As an annual international meeting, MIRCIM is designed to present the latest clinical practice guidelines, help you hone practical skills during small group workshops and inspire your future academic and research career.

The program was developed to present a comprehensive yet concise overview of the current medical landscape, with the most practical topics discussed by authors of international guidelines and clinicians-researchers. The lectures, highly praised for informational content and firmly grounded in the principles of evidence-based medicine, offer clearly formulated take-home messages.

Young internists at the beginning of their career can additionally take part in the Best Case Report Contest, with money prizes awarded for the best submissions. During oral and poster sessions, participants will have a chance to discuss their cases with members of an international jury. Abstracts will be subsequently published in the Polish Archives of Internal Medicine (IF 4.8).

When planning the 3 days of intensive learning during MIRCIM, do not forget about the extensive networking possibilities with physicians from around the world and taking some time off to discover the beauty of Kraków, the former capitol of Poland. All participants are also invited to a special Chopis piano concert on May 10, 2024.

Visit and join MIRCIM 2024 in Kraków!

MIRCIM is a joint educational initiative of McMaster University’s Department of Medicine, the birthplace of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and problem-based learning (PBL), and the Polish Institute for Evidence Based Medicine. It is organized in collaboration with the European Federation of Internal Medicine, International Society of Internal Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College and Poland’s Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, in partnership with more than 40 national societies of internal medicine from around the world.