Klasyfikacja drżenia. Uzgodnione stanowisko Task Force on Tremor of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

Consensus Statement on the Classification of Tremors. From the Task Force on Tremor of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
Kailash P. Bhatia, MD, FRCP1, Peter Bain, MD, PhD2, Nin Bajaj, MD, PhD, FRCP3, Rodger J. Elble, MD, PhD4, Mark Hallett, MD, PhD5, Elan D. Louis, MD6, Jan Raethjen, MD, PhD7, Maria Stamelou, MD, PhD8, Claudia M. Testa, MD, PhD9, Guenther Deuschl, MD, PhD7, oraz Tremor Task Force of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
1 Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, University College London (UCL) Institute of Neurology, Londyn, Wielka Brytania; 2 Department of Neurosciences, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College London, Londyn, Wielka Brytania; 3 Division of Neurology, Nottingham University Hospital, Nottingham, Wielka Brytania; 4 Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois, USA; 5 Human Motor Control Section, National Institute of Neurological
Mov. Disord. 2018; 33: 75–87

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